The 3 following quilts were made by the male quilter 'Gunnar Retzlov 'from Denmark who died in March 2006 .He used his own dyed fabric and won several awards.
Die 3 nächsten Quilts stammen aus Daenemark von dem Quilter '''Gunnar Retzlov'',der im März 2006 verstarb. Er färbte alle seine Stoffe selbst und gewann mehrere Preise.
Die 3 nächsten Quilts stammen aus Daenemark von dem Quilter '''Gunnar Retzlov'',der im März 2006 verstarb. Er färbte alle seine Stoffe selbst und gewann mehrere Preise.
Quilts with the titel '' People and the sea'' ' Menschen und Meer''
Quilts from Russia ---- russische Quilts
Thanks for sharing! It's great for me to see the other quilts which hung with mine (thanks for posting it with my name included) since i couldn't make it to Berlin. I really like the "People and the Sea" quilts -- they are so much more creative than the house quilts (including mine). I love the rainbow pyramid of stuffed ladies!!